Top 10k strings from Long Way Home Volume 1 (1983)(16-48 Tape Magazine)[a].tap
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16 ;"Keep the tape running": 8 z$="15030204Stop the tape": 8 z$="04000404Way home": 8 z$="01040303The long": 8 type GOTO GO 8 a$="SOUTH": 8 Rewind & play tape ( 8 Program BARRY THORNE 8 Press any key to continue. 8 NB. if it doesn't 8 Magnetic Magazines Ltd.*6\$: 8 In order to break out of the game to load side 2 of 16/48, Press CAPSHIFT 6 ,Type LOAD"""" "'"ENTER, and play side 2. 8 Graphics JIM DANN 8 B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983*S\ 8 ;'"Play the tape containing your previous game": 8 ;"The long way home" 8 ;"Start the tape": 8 ;"START THE TAPE"' 8 ;"EXTRA COMMANDS FOR 48K'ers" 8 ;"Don't worry about the silence between loading the program & machine code" 8 16/48 script 8 ((prog+474 8 ''"Do you want a print out of theseinstructions ? (y/n)" 8 '"Do you want to read these again?"'"(y/n)" 8 '"Do you want to load a previous game ?" 8 #p;"WHAT CAN I SEE - This reminds you of where visible exits are"'("and shows you a picture." 8 #p'"You tell the computer what you want to do by typing in ENGLISH.(Then pressing enter)" 8 #p'"Certain single words can be usedas commands. These are:" 8 "rewind & play": 8 "You cannot go ";a$: 8 "What are you going to do ?"'" 8 "Nothing happens.": 8 "INSTRUCTION" 8 "I did not understand that !": 8 USEFUL PHRASES 8 INSTRUCTIONS 8 COMMANDS " 8 7 y$;"the following;": 7 details of your game so that you can RUN the game again from that point." 7 cli)+("up " 7 cli)+("down " 7 PRESS ANY KEY 7 ;"Press any key to restart": 7 #p;'"Use short sentences where"'"possible."' 7 #p'"Avoid giving more than one"'"instrucion per sentence." 7 "Try examining things": 7 "There are exits visible;"'("North " 7 "'"QUIT - This restarts the game." 6 y$;"nothing to help you.": 6 clI)+("South " 6 clI)+("East " 6 a$="WEST": 6 a$="NORTH": 6 a$="EAST": 6 a$="DOWN": 6 '"If you get stuck, EXAMINE"'"everything mentioned by the"'"computer, or, type HELP." 6 #p'"Don't worry if your character iskilled early on in your first game, it is all part of the learning process !" 6 "Make sure that your map is"'"accurate.": 6 "If the computer can't understandyou it will suggest a few words to help you."'"It will not tell you every word that it knows as this would"'"spoil the game." 6 "10")="r": 5 Replay tape to 5 "You are unable to do so.": 4 a complete copy of the game, details of where you are & what has happened to you." 4 ;"Let the tape run to the end of side one (16K machines will not LOAD the machine code part)."'"If you save the game it will"'"only run after CLEAR 32766": 4 #p;'"The story so far......."'"You are trying to find your way home via a series of Trans-mat units that you were forced to"'"scatter at random through time &space." 4 #p;"SAVE GAME - This will SAVE & 4 #p'"You must draw a map wherever yougo so that you can find your wayaround." 4 #p'"N = GO NORTH"'"S =GO SOUTH ...etc"'"INSTRUCTIONS - gives you these instructions again." 4 #p'"HELP - The computer may give youadvice."'("DUMP - This will SAVE and 4 "Use one of the following words in your sentences;": 4 "Put cartridge in drive 1": 4 "It does not seem to make sense.": 4 "Do you want to save this programon tape or microdrive? (y/n)" 4 "14")=" ": 3 y$="You see " 3 a$="STONE": 3 a$="SPACE": 3 a$="DOOR": 3 PLAY TAPE TO VERIFY 3 A$="SOUTH" 3 A$="BLUE": 3 ;"Let the tape run to the end of side one (16K machines will not LOAD the machine code part)."'"If you save the game it may"'"only LOAD after CLEAR 32766": 3 ;"Jimpix#8 3 ;"Jimpix#7 3 ;"Jimpix#6 3 ;"Jimpix#5 3 '"SAVE to Tape or Microdrive"'"(t 3 #p'"HELP - The computer may give youadvice."' 3 #p'"GO NORTH, SOUTH, EAST...etc."'"EXAMINE THE ..."'"TAKE THE ..."'"GET THE..."'"READ THE.." 3 "You materialize.": 3 "The grill is too strong for you to do anything to.": 3 "Do you want to save this programon a blank tape ? (y/n)" 3 "10")="0": 3 B.C.THORNE SEPT 1983 2 y$="You see ": 2 w$=" ": 2 m$="You drop the ": 2 g$;"a ";a$: 2 a$="down": 2 a$="TRANS": 2 a$="STRAW": 2 a$="SPACESUIT": 2 a$="SHEET": 2 a$="ROPE": 2 a$="PLASTIC": 2 a$="PAPER": 2 a$="HELP": 2 a$="DOME": 2 a$="CLOSE" 2 a$="BRANCH": 2 a$="BLUE": 2 Y$;"a ";C$ 2 N=N+(T$(M)="g"): 2 M$="You take the ": 2 A$="TRANS": 2 A$="ROPE": 2 A$="NORTH" 2 A$="METAL": 2 A$="CHEESE": 2 A$="BREAD": 2 A$="BOOK": 2 A$="BARREL": 2 A$="BADGE": 2 ;"This adventure continues in the next edition." 2 );a$;",";: 2 '"Your score is "; 2 '"This adventure continues in the next edition." 2 #p;("SAVE GAME - This will SAVE & 2 #p'"Some corridors in the game are curved, so if you leave a"'"location by going west you may not be able to get back by goingeast." 2 #p'"N = GO NORTH"'"S =GO SOUTH ...etc"'"INSTRUCTIONS - gives you these instructions again."'"H = HELP"'"I = INVENTORY (What have I got.)"'"V = VIEW (What can I see.)" 2 #p'"GO NORTH, SOUTH, EAST...etc."'"EXAMINE THE ..."'"TAKE THE ..."'"GET THE..."'"DROP THE ..."'"WHAT HAVE I GOT WITH ME ?" 2 "nothing.": 2 "advent1/48" 2 "You take some ";A$: 2 "You materialize."'': 2 "You have;": 2 "You have..": 2 "You have with you" 2 "You have nothing to eat.": 2 "You do not have it.": 2 "You dematerialize...": 2 "You dematerialize": 2 "You cannot.": 2 "You cannot, nothing happens.": 2 "You cannot eat in a spacesuit !": 2 "You are weak & hungry" 2 "You are carrying too much.": 2 "Write this code down on a piece of paper.It is your entry code to the next episode."'t$;hel 2 "Use one of the following words in your sentences;"'': 2 "FLINT","STRAW","BOTTLE","SPADE","CREDIT CARD","BATTERY","PACK OF CARDS","MAGAZINE","SPACESUIT","","BADGE" 2 "Everything you are carrying"'"falls through a crack and"'"disappears.": 2 "Advent#8" 2 "Advent#7" 2 "Advent#6" 2 "Advent#4" 2 "14")="T": 2 "14")="D": 2 "12")="s": 2 entry code."'" 2 WO = WORDS 2 2nd WORD ETC (GO2) 1 z$="09020405Pyramid": 1 z$="09020305Satellite": 1 z$="09010505Colony": 1 z$="09010505Castle": 1 z$="09010305Troglodyte": 1 z$="09000806HOME": 1 z$="09000405The Ship": 1 y$;"the TRANS-MAT unit."'"The red & yellow switches are"'"labelled ~DANGER~.": 1 y$;"steps aft & starboard"'"& a gangway port."'m$: 1 y$;"something in the sand.": 1 y$;"nothing of interest.": 1 y$;"lots of rats.": 1 y$;"a wood to the north.": 1 y$;"a statue of a tiger."'"Behind it there are some"'"hieroglyphics.": 1 y$;"a small space toilet !"'"a nail holds a piece of paper tothe wall": 1 y$;"a room beneath you": 1 y$;"a notice."'"It says ~Museum closed due to the emergency~": 1 y$;"a book & lots of bread& cheese on the table.": 1 y$;" the chief cavedweller"'"in a cave entrance": 1 y$;" a large power"'"receiver pointing ";t$(5 1 y$'"a policebox. It dematerializes !": 1 y$'"a bright stone on the floor." 1 t$="ijklmnpqg gs0" 1 t$="00000000000" 1 t$="0000000000" 1 t$=" " 1 t$(n)="1": 1 t$(n)="1"): 1 rob);" a thick metal"'"hawser connected from the"'"ceiling to a large flagstone in the floor.": 1 mem)'"WHAT HAVE I GOT WITH ME ?" 1 m$="masts, rigging ": 1 la)'"a strong grille beneath you.": 1 l chamber.": 1 k$="You have killed": 1 j$="You are at a junction between corridors" 1 j$=" junction between corridors.": 1 j$'(y$+"an empty bottle on the floor" 1 i$="You are injured.": 1 g$;"the Transducer": 1 f$="NORTH" 1 f$'"The ground to the ";a$'"is swampy": 1 clI)+("Starboard " 1 clI)+("Fore " 1 cl)+("West " 1 cl)+("Up " 1 cl)+("South " 1 cl)+("East " 1 cl)+("Down" 1 c$="You are in a cave.": 1 advintro#8/ 1 advintro#7x 1 advintro#6x 1 advintro#5 1 advintro#4l 1 advintro#3 1 advintro#2 1 advintro#1o 1 a$="west": 1 a$="starboard": 1 a$="south": 1 a$="port": 1 a$="north": 1 a$="foreward": 1 a$="east": 1 a$="YELLOW": 1 a$="WINDOW": 1 a$="TWIG": 1 a$="TRANSD": 1 a$="TRAIN": 1 a$="TORCH": 1 a$="TIGER": 1 a$="TABLE": 1 a$="STATUE": 1 a$="SLATE": 1 a$="PICTURE": 1 a$="PICTURE" 1 a$="METAL": 1 a$="LOCK": 1 a$="LAND": 1 a$="KILL": 1 a$="HOME": 1 a$="GRYPHON": 1 a$="GRAVE": 1 a$="FLINT": 1 a$="FIRE": 1 a$="DOWN"): 1 a$="CHIEF": 1 a$="CHEST": 1 a$="CAVE": 1 a$="BUTTON": 1 a$="BUGGY": 1 a$="BREATH": 1 a$="BREAD": 1 a$="BOTTLE": 1 a$="BLOOD": 1 a$="BEHIND": 1 a$="BARE HANDS": 1 a$="BADGE": 1 a$="ADVERT": 1 You feel ill,you cannot breath ! 1 Y$="You see ": 1 Y$="You see " 1 Y$;"eyes of wolves round you": 1 Y$'"A gangway port."'"A door in a locker": 1 The long way home 1 The Long Way Home 1 T$="gggg m4s ": 1 T$="1110NORTH00": 1 T$="1000000": 1 T$="0000000000" 1 Suddenly you fall through the floor. 1 Please rephrase that bit about the robot. 1 Please be more specific 1 P$="You take the ": 1 J$="You are at a junction between corridors": 1 J$'"You see blood on the floor.": 1 J$'"You see an alarm Button": 1 J$'"You see a hole in the ceiling.": 1 HEL=HEL-.035 1 HEL=HEL*.5 1 G$="You take ": 1 G$;" some twigs": 1 F$="You are on a grass plain in a large marsh. To the north you can see a some cliffs." 1 F$="SOUTH" 1 F$=" ": 1 F$'Y$;"a patch of dry straw": 1 E$=" ": 1 Don,t Panic 1 D$="SOUTH" 1 C$="You go along a corridor to a": 1 B$=B$+"I": 1 B$="BREAD" 1 Advent#8 ` 1 Advent#7 1 Advent#6 1 Advent#5 1 Advent#4 1 Advent#1 1 ADVENT#3 F 1 ADVENT#2 1 A$="YELLOW": 1 A$="WINDOW": 1 A$="SPADE": 1 A$="SPACE": 1 A$="SLATE": 1 A$="SAND": 1 A$="ROBOT": 1 A$="NOTE": 1 A$="HOME": 1 A$="GREEN": 1 A$="FOOD": 1 A$="FIRE": 1 A$="EVERY": 1 A$="EARTH": 1 A$="DRIVE" 1 A$="DOOR": 1 A$="CONT": 1 A$="COMPASS": 1 A$="BREATH": 1 A$="BREAK": 1 A ferocious alien predator"'"appears & attacks you.You have"'"no defence from it,"'"it kills you. 1 A Robot appears 1 ;"Part 8": 1 ;"Part 7": 1 ;"Part 6": 1 ;"Part 5": 1 ;"Part 4": 1 ;"Part 3": 1 ;"Part 2": 1 ;"O.k. read them !": 1 ;"Let the tape run to the end of side one (16K machines will not LOAD the machine code after the adventure game."'"If you save the game it will"'"only run after CLEAR 32766": 1 ;"Advent#8": 1 ;"Advent#8" 1 ;"Advent#7": 1 ;"Advent#7" 1 ;"Advent#6": 1 ;"Advent#6" 1 ;"Advent#5": 1 ;"Advent#5" 1 ("You see the TRANS-MAT with threebuttons on it." 1 ("Try again." 1 'C$'"small ANTE-ROOM."'"You see many small boxes.": 1 'C$'"RECEPTION ROOM": 1 ''"You will not need an entry code to get into the next edition BUTit is a definite advantage to"'"have finished this !" 1 ''"This adventure continues in the next edition." 1 ''"See you again soon..." 1 ''"Are you nearing the end of"'" 1 ''"48K'ers still get hi-res instantgraphics, but note, there are a few more commands." 1 '"Your computer tells you that thedinner is burned because your'relate home.": 1 '"Your adventures are over": 1 '"You have visited the Marie"'"Celeste, a strange pyramid, a"'"prehistoric settlement and an"'"enchanted castle, in your bid toget home" 1 '"You have visited a spaceship,"'"the Mary Celeste, and a strange pyramid." 1 '"You find yourself in a" 1 '"You are in a spacesuit in a"'"familiar spaceship."'"You are badly injured."''"This game is continued in LWH#1 (16/48 issue 3)": 1 '"You are in a TRANS-MAT unit.You see a faulty control panel with a button on it.": 1 '"This month you do not need an"'"entry code" 1 #p;("DUMP PROG - This will SAVE & 1 #p;("DUMP - This will SAVE & 1 #p;'"The story so far......."''" You were on a space ship and"'"your transmat would not let you go home. Your only escape was tojettison several units which"'"are now scattered through time and space." 1 #p;'"It is the year 4816, you are on your way home. You step into a Trans-mat unit, press the control & dematerialize." 1 #p;"Avoid giving more than one"'"instrucion per sentence."''"Two corridoors are curved this may confuse map makers !" 1 #p''"Welcome back..."'"Last month you should have founda space shuttle & a confused"'"robot to fly it for you."'"This means that you are"'"VERY NEARLY home !" 1 #p''"Welcome back..."'"Last month you escaped (I hope) from a deserted space colony."'"The year was 4816, the year in which the game started. This means that you are NEARLY home !" 1 #p''"This month you materialize in a detention dome of a well known satellite."''"You have got to find your way"'"out into the next (final)"'"episode." 1 #p''"Regular adventurers may notice that the format has changed"'"slightly this month, so don't forget to read the instructions." 1 #p''"Be carefull this month, things may not be quite as straight"'"foreward as they seem." 1 #p''"16/48 Presents the first episodeof a new text & graphics"'"adventure game.(High speed, hi-res graphics for 48K'ers only.)" 1 #p''"16/48 Presents the 6th episode of our text & graphics"'"adventure game.(High speed, hi-res graphics for 48K'ers only.)" 1 #p''"16/48 Presents the 5th episode of our text & graphics"'"adventure game.(High speed, hi-res graphics for 48K'ers only.)" 1 #p''"16/48 Presents the 4th episode of our text & graphics"'"adventure game.(High speed, hi-res graphics for 48K'ers only.)" 1 #p''"16/48 Presents the 3rd episode of our text & graphics"'"adventure game.(High speed, hi-res graphics for 48K'ers only.)" 1 #p''"16/48 Presents the 2nd episode of our text & graphics"'"adventure game.(High speed, hi-res graphics for 48K'ers only.)" 1 #p'"You should usually draw a map wherever you go so that you can find your way back. (It will notmatter too much for this chapter.)" 1 #p'"Use short sentences if possible." 1 #p'"To start the game you will need last month's entry code. If you do not have one I will make one up for you." 1 #p'"To start the game you will need an ~entry code~ given to you at the end of the last game."''"If you do not have the code,"'"(where were you last month ?)"'"try this code ~00101111000.7~"'"or press 1 #p'"To start the game you will need an ~entry code~ given to you at the end of the last game."''"If you do not have the code,"'"(where were you last month ?)"'"try this code ~00011101111~" 1 #p'"The idea of the game is to find your way through the spaceship and find the way out into the next episode." 1 #p'"Something is wrong !"'"You rematerialize in the wrong place. You are in some sort of spaceship..." 1 #p'"P =GO PORT"'"S =GO STARBOARD ...etc"'"INSTRUCTIONS - gives you these instructions again." 1 #p'"N =GO NORTH"'"S =GO SOUTH ...etc"'"INSTRUCTIONS - gives you these instructions again." 1 #p'"In each episode of the game you are looking for one of the"'"transmat units in the hope that the next one will get you home."''"This month you find yourself"'"aboard a deserted ship." 1 #p'"In each episode of the game you are looking for one of the"'"transmat units in the hope that it will get you home."''"This month you materialize in anabandoned space colony back in the year 4816" 1 #p'"In each episode of the game you are looking for one of the"'"transmat units in the hope that it will get you home."''"This month you find yourself"'"outside a strange pyramid in themiddle of an unknown desert." 1 #p'"In each episode of the game you are looking for one of the"'"transmat units in the hope that it will get you home."''"This month you find yourself"'"inside an enchanted castle." 1 #p'"In each episode of the game you are looking for one of the"'"transmat units in the hope that it will get you home."''"This month you find yourself"'"in a barren marshy grassland." 1 #p'"HELP - For (useful ?) advice." 1 #p'"GO NORTH, SOUTH, EAST...etc."'"EXAMINE THE ..."'"TAKE THE ..."'"GET THE..."'"WHAT HAVE I GOT WITH ME ?" 1 #p'"GO NORTH (SOUTH etc.)"'"WHAT HAVE I GOT WITH ME ?"'"EXAMINE THE ..."'"TAKE THE ..."'"ATTACK THE.." 1 #p'"GO AFT, PORT, STARBOARD, FORWARDUP or DOWN"'"WHAT HAVE I GOT WITH ME ?"'"EXAMINE THE ..."'"TAKE THE ..."'"READ THE.." 1 #p'"Draw a map wherever you go so that you can find your way back." 1 #p'"Don't forget to draw a map"'"wherever you go."''"To help you with this it is"'"worth dropping objects so that you know where you are when you find them again." 1 #p'"Don't forget to draw a map"'"wherever you go."'"To help you with this it is"'"worth dropping objects so that you know where you are when you find them again." 1 #p'"Being captured is not always theend of the game." 1 "~Poison gas.You have a friend~": 1 "comfortable LOUNGE"'"You see some chairs & pictures on the walls.": 1 "and falls into a meteor crater."'"You are killed": 1 "advintro#8" 1 "advintro#7" 1 "advintro#6" 1 "advintro#5" 1 "advintro#4" 1 "advintro#3" 1 "advintro#2" 1 "advintro#1" 1 "advent8/48" 1 "advent7/48" 1 "advent6/48" 1 "advent5/48" 1 "advent4/48" 1 "advent3/48" 1 "a store room."'"You see some large boxes of gold& diamonds": 1 "Your'e on your own.": 1 "Your spacesuit has run out of air, dummy!": 1 "Your powerpack is exhausted.": 1 "Your laser starts a fire, the alcohol in the hold explodes." 1 "You wait.": 1 "You unlock and open the door."'"Thousands of starving rats pour out & overwhelm you.": 1 "You tie the sheets together and tie them to the battlements"'"They reach to within 10 feet of the ground.": 1 "You take your ";a$;" off."'"It vanishes, it does not belong in this time zone.": 1 "You take the";a$;" & put it on.": 1 "You take the STRAW": 1 "You take the STONE": 1 "You take the SPADE": 1 "You take the HORN": 1 "You take the BOTTLE": 1 "You surface in a new cave"'y$;"the TRANS MAT": 1 "You start a fire, smoke billows around you. You suffocate": 1 "You slide down the passage." 1 "You should know by now that it is dangerous to push ANYTHING"'"except the blue button."'"The trans-mat explodes, you are killed": 1 "You see the usual three buttons,coloured RED,GREEN & BLUE.": 1 "You see the following;": 1 "You see nothing of interest.": 1 "You see a shiny stone on the"'"floor." 1 "You see a ladder going to the shuttle": 1 "You see a horn lying in the sand": 1 "You reveal a heavy door to the east of you": 1 "You really should finish some ofthe previous games !"'"The TRANS MAT explodes killing you": 1 "You pour the BLOOD into the"'"bottle": 1 "You open the DOOR."'y$;"a tunnel leading down tothe east"'("It is very dark" 1 "You need the spade HERE !"'"You are stuck, you slowly"'"suffocate.": 1 "You need something to make a"'"torch from.": 1 "You need something to dig with first": 1 "You need some thing to burn"'"(Like straw)": 1 "You need more objects first": 1 "You must help the chief first": 1 "You must find a way down": 1 "You materialize": 1 "You lie unconscious. After a"'"while a small fire starts below.There is an explosion.": 1 "You kill the man & damage his spacesuit.": 1 "You kill the Robot with your gun": 1 "You hold your breath.": 1 "You hold your breath": 1 "You hear your recorded voice,"'"you are not in !": 1 "You hear something behind you.": 1 "You hear a muffled voice saying ~GO AWAY~": 1 "You hear a distant explosion."'"The air rushes out.": 1 "You hear a crackling of static in the air, somewhere beneath you hear a humming noise": 1 "You have with you;": 1 "You have no spacesuit.": 1 "You have no powerpack for your laser gun.": 1 "You have no gun.": 1 "You have no Powerpack for your gun." 1 "You have come to dead end": 1 "You have broken the ladder startagain.": 1 "You have been killed": 1 "You go UP the WEST stairs" 1 "You go DOWN" 1 "You get on the train. It leaves the station and goes east.": 1 "You find yourself in a darkroom.";y$;"only three glowing"'"switches (red,blue,yellow).": 1 "You find a thin layer of metal": 1 "You find a pool in the cave."'("The pool is glowing" 1 "You find a key & take it.": 1 "You feel a jolt, you have landed": 1 "You feed the Gryphon, it eats you.": 1 "You fall down an escalator"'"You are killed": 1 "You fall & are impaled on a tree": 1 "You eat some food, you feel muchbetter!": 1 "You eat some ";A$;", you feel"'"much better!": 1 "You drive EAST": 1 "You do not have the right key": 1 "You didn't finish the last"'"episode! The TRANS-MAT goes"'"with out you.": 1 "You did not launch the satellitein the correct orbit": 1 "You destroyed the ladder !": 1 "You come to a dead end.": 1 "You climb into a the wolfpack's lair."'"You are eaten alive.": 1 "You cannot": 1 "You cannot reach the sheets": 1 "You cannot quite squeeze through": 1 "You cannot do much whilst you"'"are sitting in the train !": 1 "You cannot PILOT the shuttle"'"without help.": 1 "You can't get through": 1 "You can't drive it with the door closed": 1 "You can see much better!": 1 "You can drive": 1 "You attack the Robot with your fists." 1 "You arrive 1 "You are standing outside a"'"pyramid in the sand."'"The entrance is sealed.": 1 "You are standing in front of a TRANS-MAT unit, with the red,"'"yellow & blue buttons.": 1 "You are safe this side of the"'"fireplace. But why is the"'"Gryphon here ?": 1 "You are outside the large empty building. In front of it there is a TRANS-MAT unit.": 1 "You are outside a sandbank,"'("You see something buried in the sand" 1 "You are outside a cave"'y$;"a family of cavedwellers"'"looking at you suspiciously.": 1 "You are on the surface of the"'"moon": 1 "You are on the moon.To the east there is a door in the surface to the south there is a moon shuttle.": 1 "You are on the main deck": 1 "You are on the inner BattlementsThere is a courtyard below.": 1 "You are on the fore deck",y$;m$;"an anchor chain";(" & a coil of rope" 1 "You are not WEARING your"'"spacesuit, air rushes out."'"You are killed.": 1 "You are lucky ";k$'"the robot": 1 "You are inside a cave.": 1 "You are in the shuttle bay."'y$;" a control panel"'("and a satellite" 1 "You are in the sea. You see the MARY CELESTE. You drown." 1 "You are in the rigging": 1 "You are in the middle of a smallwood. ";y$'"Trees,fallen branches & twigs.": 1 "You are in the main street in a deserted colony."'"There is a graveyard to the westand a sand bank to the east.": 1 "You are in the main (Captain's) cabin"'y$;"a table,chairs."'"There is a slate on the wall.": 1 "You are in the desert." 1 "You are in the desert": 1 "You are in the control room."'y$;"the captain's identity"'"badge.": 1 "You are in the cockpit of a"'"shuttle. ";y$;"a pilot robot & some controls.": 1 "You are in large room. The door is bricked up.": 1 "You are in an alien desert, the sky is purple, the sand is red.": 1 "You are in alarge courtyard"'"To the north you can se a draw- bridge. There is a rope running from it to a large wheel. There are some sheets tied to one wall": 1 "You are in a well lit tunnel": 1 "You are in a very large Museum. You can see where man first set foot in the moon. The area has arope around it.": 1 "You are in a transparent dome. The FLOOR is sandy. There are noexits visible.": 1 "You are in a tower surrounded bybattlements. Outside the Castle you can see the TRANS-MAT": 1 "You are in a square at the end of the main street.": 1 "You are in a small room"'y$'("A large robot," 1 "You are in a small room there isa small door to the east.": 1 "You are in a ship's hold"'y$;"a pile of barrels.": 1 "You are in a poison gas."'"You did not hold your breath.": 1 "You are in a network of tunnels": 1 "You are in a long coridoor."'y$'("an old rope ladder leading up" 1 "You are in a large room."'("A maintenance robot mends the roof & goes away" 1 "You are in a large field."'"It is filled with solar panels."'"They are connected to a large transmitter that is pointing to the east.": 1 "You are in a large airlock"'y$;"a moon buggy."'"There are two sets of doors one plastic the other metal.": 1 "You are in a hall with many"'"Robots.They line up menacingly": 1 "You are in a graveyard"'"There are many graves dug in thesand": 1 "You are in a fireplace"'"You can see a bedroom": 1 "You are in a fire place"'"To the west you see a room";(", witha large pet Gryphon staring at you" 1 "You are in a deserted rail"'"terminal. ";y$;"adverts on the walls,"'"There are tunnels east & west.": 1 "You are in a chamber."'"There is a door to the west": 1 "You are in a cell"'y$;"a straw bed, a window"'"high up & a closed, locked door": 1 "You are in a cave entrance high above the wood the way down"'"looks dangerous.": 1 "You are in a buria 1 "You are in a Transparent viewingdome.": 1 "You are in a Maid's bed chamber."'y$;"a large bed, a chest"'"a window and a door to the west.": 1 "You are halfway along a corridor";y$;"a large empty fireplace in the east wall": 1 "You are blown into the water.": 1 "You are at the top of some"'"stairs. The way ahead is blocked": 1 "You are at the end of a corridor";y$;"a broken sign.": 1 "You are at the bottom of a"'"chimney": 1 "You are at the base of the cliffAbove you hear growling": 1 "You are at the base of a cliff"'"Above, ";y$;"a face staring"'"from a cave": 1 "You are at a junction between corridors": 1 "Wrong entry code."''"Type 1 "Wild animals hate fire": 1 "Which direction ?": 1 "Where ?": 1 "What would you most like to"'"happen ?": 1 "Type in last months entry code"'"(or just press ENTER)"' 1 "Try one of the following words in your sentences;": 1 "Too late the Gryphon kills you": 1 "They attack & kill you": 1 "There is nothing to talk to.": 1 "There is nothing to read": 1 "There is feint writing on it.": 1 "There is a strong wind" 1 "There is a plastic door to the east."'("The door is closed" 1 "There is a long pause": 1 "There is a dip in the corridor."'"At the bottom of the dip there are some stairs in the west wallleading up."'"The dip is filled with mist.": 1 "There are large paw prints in"'"the sand.": 1 "There are heavy wires running into the ground": 1 "There are flints at the base of the cliff.": 1 "There are exits visible;"'("Port " 1 "There are buttons to open &"'"close the bay doors & launch a"'"satellite": 1 "There are 3 slots where the"'"transducer might fit. They are coloured red,green & blue": 1 "The wolves go away" 1 "The window is too high to reach.There is an image of the"'"Trans-Mat unit in the glass": 1 "The window is an obsatcle even to a thief with friends !": 1 "The wheel is too stiff to any thing to": 1 "The way east is blocked by a"'"large boulder." 1 "The wall slides open": 1 "The wall closes behind you." 1 "The train moves on...": 1 "The train leaves to the east.": 1 "The train leaves the tunnel and stops by a large building.": 1 "The straw flares up & goes out in a fraction of a second": 1 "The stone is made from"'"Tiger's eye.": 1 "The statue has hollows where theeyes used to be.": 1 "The ship's compass is spinning around."'("Your compass is pointing down to a door on the aft deck" 1 "The rope burns through & the"'"draw bridge opens": 1 "The robot says ~I came from the spaceship to help you~"'"You kill the robot.": 1 "The robot pilot appears. It says~I am ready to pilot the shuttleCaptain.~": 1 "The robot cuts the rope."'"The flagstone drops to reveal a slippery passage to the west, itleads down.": 1 "The robot attacks you.": 1 "The receiver is mounted on a"'"rotating platform.": 1 "The rats push you towards the"'"edge of the deck.": 1 "The rats jump overboard": 1 "The pilot stays with you." 1 "The picture on the west wall has a concealed button.": 1 "The newest graves are just"'"mounds of sand. The most recent has the date 4816 on it."'("There is a spade lying next to it." 1 "The most common words that I understand are;": 1 "The man says'The TRANS-MAT unitsare being affected by a high energy star.This room contains many units,they must be removed before the unit you arrived in will work.I have wired a controlfor this you must..'"'"The man dies.": 1 "The man is wounded."'"He can still talk.": 1 "The lock disolves and the door opens.": 1 "The ladder crumbles under your weight.": 1 "The gryphon is the other side ofthe fireplace. ";: 1 "The entrance slides open" 1 "The doors open.": 1 "The door is not locked": 1 "The door is locked. There is a note on it.": 1 "The door closes behind you.": 1 "The chief seems to want to help you": 1 "The chief has the TRANS MAT"'"transducer round his neck.": 1 "The chief does not know how to"'"light fires": 1 "The chest contains a pile of"'"dirty sheets": 1 "The ceiling opens behind you & sand falls through, blocking an exit. You hear rumbling above.": 1 "The cavedwellers warm themselves" 1 "The cavedwellers look cold": 1 "The buttons are coloured red"'"blue & yellow": 1 "The bread is contaminated with Ergot. You hallucinate.": 1 "The blood leads south": 1 "The blood burns you you cannot touch it": 1 "The barrels contain alcohol": 1 "The air rushes out & the exit below is sealed.": 1 "The TRANS-MAT unit explodes.": 1 "The Robot tells you that you arein a parking orbit." 1 "The Gryphon is coming towards"'"you slowly.": 1 "The Door has a heavy iron lock it is locked": 1 "TURN","NORTH","SOUTH","EAST","WEST","DOWN","CLIMB","UP","EXAMINE","LOOK","SEE","GOT","TAKE","GET","HELP","DIG","OPEN","READ","PUSH","KILL","BURN","SAVE GAME","QUIT" 1 "TAKE","GOT","EAT","HELP","SEE","LOOK","EXAMINE","SAY","NORTH","SOUTH","EAST","WEST","UP","DOWN","THROUGH","LEAVE","ATTACK","KILL","PRESS","PUSH","PULL","WAIT" 1 "Suprising as it may seem, you kill the Gryphon with your bare hands": 1 "Suddenly night falls": 1 "See you next month for more of 1 "STRAW","BRANCH","TWIG","FLINT","TRANSDUCER" 1 "START AGAIN": 1 "SIT","STARBOARD","FORE","DOWN","PORT","AFT","CLIMB","UP","EXAMINE","LOOK","SEE","TAKE OFF","TAKE","EAT","FEED","GIVE","HELP","SWITCH","GOT","UNLOCK","SHOOT","READ","SAVE GAME","QUIT" 1 "SHOOT","QUIT","DUMP" 1 "ROBOT","GRILL" 1 "Please type ~";B$;"~,"'"then specify the direction.": 1 "Only the robot can use them.": 1 "Only one lever seems to be"'"connected": 1 "Nothing"': 1 "No way you are nearly finished.": 1 "NORTH","SOUTH","EAST","WEST","DOWN","CLIMB","UP","THROUGH","EXAMINE","LOOK","SEE","TAKE","GET","HELP","READ","BLOW","PUSH","PUT","DROP","HOLD","READ","SAVE GAME","QUIT" 1 "NORTH","SOUTH","EAST","WEST","DOWN","CLIMB","UP","EXAMINE","LOOK","SEE","TAKE","GET","HELP","PUSH","SHOW","LIGHT","GOT","DIVE","SAVE GAME","QUIT" 1 "NORTH","SOUTH","EAST","WEST","DOWN","CLIMB","UP","EXAMINE","LOOK","SEE","GOT","TAKE","GET","HELP","FEED","PUSH","KILL","TIE","BURN","POUR","KNOCK","SAVE GAME","QUIT","WHEEL" 1 "Long Way#8" 1 "Long Way#7" 1 "Long Way#6" 1 "Long Way#5" 1 "Long Way#4" 1 "Long Way#3" 1 "Long Way#2" 1 "Long Way" 1 "Large storeroom."'"You see some large metal crates,a man"+(" in a spacesuit." 1 "LOOK","NORTH","SOUTH","EAST","WEST","DOWN","CLIMB","UP","EXAMINE","SEE","TAKE","GET","DROP","OPEN","CLOSE","HELP","PUSH","PUT","WEAR","GOT","TELL","PHONE","READ","QUIT","SAVE GAME" 1 "LOOK","NORTH","SOUTH","EAST","WEST","DOWN","CLIMB","UP","EXAMINE","SEE","TAKE","GET","DROP","OPEN","CLOSE","HELP","PUSH","DIG","BREAK","DRIVE","WEAR","GOT","SAVE GAME","QUIT" 1 "It's really far out man !": 1 "It says ~Key hidden by Captain~.": 1 "It says ~A strange engine"'"appeared. It has been locked"'"away. Another engine appeared"'"we fear for our lives~.": 1 "It said ~WELCOME~": 1 "It offers billion credit bingo. It tells of a lunar shuttle thatis going to release a navigationsatellite so that TRANS-MATS will work again.": 1 "It is very old but it seems to be in working order."'"The air tanks are full.": 1 "It is too heavy!": 1 "It is too dark.": 1 "It is too dark to see.": 1 "It is the log of the MARY"'"CELESTE. It describes a normal voyage.": 1 "It is greased, you cannot": 1 "It is dripping blood. The blood is dissolving the nails in the floor": 1 "It is a copy of the daily"'"~HELIOS~, page 3 is missing.": 1 "It has 3 slots in it"'"...Red, green & blue": 1 "In the boxes you find;"'"Food, a torch, a laser gun,"'"a powerpack and a compass.": 1 "I would hate to badger you into anything.": 1 "I told you so !"'"You sink & drown": 1 "How can you kill it, with your bare hands ?": 1 "Have you not been trained to"'"wait ?": 1 "Find out what the lever does.": 1 "Ever heard of the Pharaoh"'" ~Tootancumin~?": 1 "Eat what ?": 1 "Don't forget to buy issue 28329 of 1 "Do you want to save this game on a blank tape ? (y/n)" 1 "Dig the view up there !": 1 "Day breaks": 1 "Climb the barrels"'"Don't expect so much help in future!": 1 "CONTROL ROOM. You see a crudely rewired control console.": 1 "Both exits lead down"'y$'m$'"The ship's helm"'"The ships compass is tied to it.": 1 "Be thankful that you are wearinga spacesuit !": 1 "Avast behind, the captain's late": 1 "At the end of the corridor"'y$;"a TRANS-MAT unit.": 1 "At the end of corridor you find a telephone": 1 "As you start towards the the"'"tunnel a silent train runs you down. You have been killed.": 1 "As you dematerialize, you wonderwhat is waiting for you ? where are you going ?": 1 "As you are dematerializing a"'"blue police box mysteriously"'"appears."'" At least you have finally hit"'"your own time zone.": 1 "As soon as you get in the ship it takes off"'"Is the Robot taking you home ?"''"Write down this entry code &"'"find out next month"''t$ 1 "An alarm sounds.": 1 "All the air rushes out.You are killed": 1 "Advent#?" 1 "Advent#5" 1 "Above your head you see the"'"EARTH.": 1 "ALL","EVERYTHING","KEY","DIAMOND","SPACESUIT","FOOD","GUN","POWERPACK","TORCH","COMPASS","CHEESE","BREAD","ROPE" 1 "ALL","EVERYTHING","GOLD","DIAMOND","SPACESUIT","FOOD","GUN","POWERPACK","TORCH","COMPASS","PICTURE" 1 "ADVENTURE" 1 "ADVENT#3" 1 "ADVENT#2" 1 "A robot pilot appears. It says ~You are not the captain, you"'"are not authorized to be here.~ It leaves.": 1 "A man opens the door"'"He says ~What are you doing hereGET OUT~ ... You are thrown intoa chamber": 1 "A Train arrives": 1 "A Robot guard appears. It takes every thing that you are"'"carrying and drags you into the detention dome.": 1 "A FLINT","some STRAW","a BOTTLE","some GRYPHON'S BLOOD","and a pile of DIRTY SHEETS" 1 "A FLINT","some STRAW","a BOTTLE","a SPADE" 1 "9";" "'' 1 "6";" ": 1 "42567",y: 1 "42567",hb: 1 "42567",188 1 "42566",x: 1 "42566",lb: 1 "42566",204 1 "13")="g": 1 "12")="Z": 1 "11")="g": 1 "...or are they ?": 1 "''"Then try 00101111000.7" 1 "'"WAIT - you do nothing."'"QUIT - This restarts the game." 1 when prompted" 1 to save to tape,"'"anything else for microdrive" 1 magazine !": 1 details of your game so that youcan RUN the game again from thatpoint." 1 GET OUT OF HERE ! 1 u 1